Wolf bite

The awsome adventures of Teddy Starks the teen wolf.

  • Welcome Message

    Welcome fellow foodies and blogger's. Teddy here just wanted to formally invite you to join me in my culinary endeavors, as i prowl the streets of NYC in search of food knowledge and and tasty morsels. Welcome video coming soon......

Popping my Organic cherry

Posted by Teen wolf Teddy Starks On 6:50 AM 0 comments

It was awkward the first time. I had ventured inside confident of my shopping ability but unsure of how I would be received. In search of sweets I ventured deep inside determined to come out victorious. I was in whole foods and for the first time ever I was lost in a super market. Previously that week I went to Trader Joe's on an intern mission to fetch nuts and Cliff bars to satiate our hunger throughout the day. I figured that all markets would be the same I would enter find my organic free trade morsel and be taken care of by a sincerely polite cashier.

My experience was the total opposite I mean sure I found the chocolate and I paid a pretty decent price but the fellow shoppers treated me as if I should be mopping the floors instead of standing beside them debating if I should buy the local fruits of the organic ones flown in from the west coast. To top it all off as I stood on the line and watched in confusion as the cashiers called the next guest I was abruptly told by a fellow shopper that I cut the line I looked at her as if she was crazy and told her that I had been on this line for 5minutes and that she was supposed to be in the other line. The man behind me with a smile on his face told me I was to look up at the monitor suspended above us and then wait until my color flashed with the cashier’s number. I quickly went through a cycle of emotions starting with embarrassment then anger ending with envy because in spite of my confusion the idea was efficient once fully understood.

I recently returned, though I vowed never to, and found that I enjoyed myself. Now that I was comfortable with my surroundings I swaggered down the aisles greeting the other customers, concocting recipes in my head, relishing in the abundance of such fresh ingredients. I thought to myself that I'm lucky to have found such a place at a young age, at the pivotal point on my culinary journey.


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